Hickory Dickory Dock

Originally a nemesis of the Green Arrow, Clock King was created in 1960 by Francis Herron and Lee Elias for World's Finest Comics #111. His real name is William Tockman, and is much like most of the themed villains of the 60s, obsessed with a singular gimmick instead of the ambitions that drive normal criminals. 

Also, like many villains created in the same period, Clock King has gone through changes. Originally, he dressed like the costume below. Eventually his look was changed to the more realistic and grounded look above that fits better with a character obsessed with punctuality.  

Not a very time honored look

Tockman, or sometimes referred to by the alias Temple Fugate (latin for Time Flies), is very much like Mr. Freeze in that he commits crimes for money to help a sick sister. He uses an obsession over timing to plan and execute a bank heist. After that initial appearance, the Clock King becomes one of many joke villains, easily dispatched due more to bumbling mistakes than super heroics. His obsession over timing gives way to an obsession over clock related capers. The clock/time motif is seen through his ridiculous original costume, but also by giant hour glasses, sword canes that look like clock hands, and exploding time bombs. 

These silly gimmicks were dropped and his M.O. was retconned into a more subtle mastery of timing, a meticulous study of how long things take and actions used to exploit these windows of opportunity. He becomes the master planner, designing heists and leading from the shadows. Clock King's original obsession over timing has made a comeback, which makes him far less of a joke/gimmick villain popularized in the '60s and moves him back to a realistic threat. Tockman can be easily retailored for a digital age of hackers, scammers, and online thieves. 

He has appeared in the television show The Arrow, and most famously in Batman the Animated Series.